Ерванд Маргарян — солист-трубач, артист известного бренда «Taylor Trumpets». Выступал с концертами в более 60 странах мира, исполняя джазовую, классическую и армянскую музыку. В разное время с ним сотрудничали и играли такие музыканты, как Мишель Легран, Игорь Бутман, Чарльз Дэйвис, Рамон Флорес, Сергей Манукян, Константин Орбелян и др. В 2014 году награжден медалью и званием почетного деятеля искусств Еревана. Продолжает активно выступать с различными проектами как в Армении, так и по всему миру.
An Artist of famous brand "Taylor Trumpets" Yervand Margaryan was born on May 23, 1977 in Tbilisi (Georgia). Yervand Margaryan is a jazz and classical solo performer of trumpet and flugelhorn. He performed as a soloist in symphonic concerts with such conductors and musicians as Emin Khachaturian, Constantine Orbelyan, Aram Karabekyan, Karen Durgaryan, Armen Babakhanyan and others. In 2001 he was invited to be the soloist and leading trumpeter in the Armenian Jazz Band. In parallel he performed and was recorded as a soloist in various jazz and pop projects in Armenia, as well as abroad. He performed with such artists as Michel Legrand (France), Igor Butman (Russia), Charles Davis (USA), Ramon Flores (USA), Roy Hargrove (USA), Victor Espinola (Paraguay), Ziad Rahbani (Lebanon), Ventzislav Blagoev (Bulgaria), Roger Wright (England), Arno Van Nieuwenhuize (Netherlands), Arto Tunchboyajian (USA), Adam Rapa (USA), Zaid Nasser (USA), Julia Boutros (Lebanon), Michel Delakian (France), Stephane Stefan Patry (France), Alexander Belov (Russia), Gustavo Bergalli (Argentina) and others in more than 60 countries of the world.
In 2010 he created with his wife-pianist Nara Arakelyan the "Con Alma" band, which frequently performed in Armenia and abroad with concerts and in jazz festivals. They perform jazz music in all the different styles. They also perform a lot of their own original compositions.
In 2014 Yervand Margaryan was awarded the medal and title of an Honoured Artist of the city of Yerevan. Currently Yervand Margaryan continues performing and recording in various international and Armenian musical projects.
Нара Аракелян — пианистка и композитор — отличается своим уникальным стилем и вкусом, совмещая и генерируя в своей игре и авторских композициях джазовую, классическую и армянскую музыку. Выступает с многочисленными концертами как в Армении, так и за рубежом. Выступала на одной сцене с такими музыкантами, как Пласидо Доминго, Вентзислав Благоев, Ронни Барак, Сергей Манукян, Зейд Нассер и др. Все аранжировки диска «Истинный ген» принадлежат перу Нары Аракелян, целью которой было преподнести слушателю с самой лучшей стороны музыку великих армянских композиторов Саят Новы и Комитаса в свете современной джазовой музыки и интерпретации. Данные аранжировки для трубы и флюгельгорна являются мировой премьерой.
Talanted pianist, composer Nara Arakelyan has her unique handwriting of interpretation and creation. The fusion of both Armenian cultural and jazz and also world classical music are perfectly illustrated in her works, which gives the listeners high spiritual virtues. From childhood she considered that her mission is to unite the humanity around the beauty and spirituality.
She performs both in Armenia, and also has tours and receives invitations from many international festivals and countries. She has performed with distinguished musicians, such as Yervand Margaryan (Armenia), Placido Domingo (Mexico), Arno Van der Hoeven (The Netherlands), Venzi Slav Blagoev (Bulgaria), Gabriel Dedeyan (Romania), David Pastor (Spain), Sidmar Vieira (Brasil), Michael Delakyan (France), Sergey Manukyan (Russia), Camille Bertault (France), Zeid Nasser (USA), Rony Barrak (Lebanon) and so on. She created numerous incredible international projects.
In this album, where Nara Arakelyan uniquely presented the works of the Armenian great composers, Komitas and Sayat Nova, she wanted to present the Armenian wonderful culture to the world audience. And in the end, we'll add that they will realize and create numerous new famous works with her husband, famous trumpeter Yervand Margaryan. We enjoy the cooperation of this wonderful musical family and feel how beautiful the world is with such unrepeatable Music.